About KISISF Artists
居住及工作地:荷蘭 – 印尼
Dodog Soeseno是一位多才多藝的藝術家,他所展現的意象和創作手法,難以劃分為單一派別。1980 年代初他從印尼來到荷蘭,此後周遊於亞歐各國,直到今天他仍然頻繁往返各地,參與畫展、藝術計畫或教育活動。他的作品中展現了多種文化,日本、中國、印尼、歐洲文化的影響尤其顯而易見。
Nationality: Indonesia
Live & working: The Netherlands – Indonesia
Dodog Soeseno is a very versatile artist. As far as his imagery and techniques is concerned he is not easy to map out. In the early eighties he came from Indonesia to The Netherlands and has since then travelled a lot between Asia and Europe. Even now he is still moving regularly between these continents for exhibitions, art projects or educational activities. His work is entwined with multiple cultures. Influences from Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian and European culture are visible.
From a technical point of view his work often is an amalgam of painting, drawing and several graphical techniques such as etching, silkscreen printing, linocut printing, cyanotype or lithography.
Expression of journey and daily life, nostalgia, and desire, Inspired by traditional motifs collecting materials, symbols and signs from and during traveling compose them to new story.