About 2018 KISISF
今(2018)年則以「換帖/幻鐵Steel Friends, Steel Fantasy」命題,解放鋼鐵元素材質,導入石材、木材、陶土等複合媒材的多元可能,以相對柔屬性、有溫度的異材質,軟化鋼鐵的冷冽硬邊,在不同的文化背景下帶入異質語彙。藝術家將師法自然以為此次創作營的精神本質發想,在發展愈臻多元的駁二場域再利用的空間範疇裡,呈現出另類異想的鋼雕作品。
Steel Friends, Steel Fantasy
在鋼鐵的堅質底下翻轉腐朽的靈動之心,藝術家將以複合媒材的精神,將思緒底的莫測、施展萬化一切的巧手,在此次的鋼雕藝術節武林相會、交心換帖。不同於既往,這次的鋼雕所展現的精神將翻轉鋼之堅,換以自然材質之柔,展現幻化全然不同的視野。來自日本藝術家Kudo Masahide工藤政秀、Maiko Sugano菅野麻依子、荷蘭藝術家Dodog Soeseno、藝術家拉黑子.達立夫、達鳳.旮赫地與魯碧.司瓦那(夫妻組)、張和民、王為河、鄭宏南各擅多元媒材創作,將執帖互換且執鐵以幻。
Inspired to transform corrosion under the sturdiness of steel and iron, artists will bring the spirit of mixed media, their unpredictable ideas, and their skillful hands to for a showdown and sharing at this Steel & Iron Sculpture Festival. Unlike previous festivals, the spirit displayed by the sculptures this time will transform the toughness of steel into the softness of natural materials, creating a fantastically transformed perspective. Japanese artists Kudo Masahide, Maiko Sugano, Dutch artist Dodog Soeseno, Taiwanese artists Rahic. Talif, Tafong. Kati and Roby. Swana (husband and wife duo), Chang Ho-Min, Wang Wei-Ho, and Cheng Hung-Nan all specialize in working with diverse materials, switching ideas back and forth while employing fantastical swatches of iron and steel.
The liberation of steel and iron materials, and the diverse possibilities of introducing mixed media, will be the highlights of this year’s Steel & Iron Sculpture Festival. The artists invited will use materials such stone, wood, clay, and possibly glass in conjunction with steel and iron materials. The pieces created by the artists will have a base of scrap steel or iron making up at least 50% of the sculpture, infused with relatively soft and warm materials. This softens the cold edge of steel and iron, and brings in different voices from different cultural backgrounds. Artists will look to nature as a starting point for the spirit of this creative endeavor. Through the spatial design of the superbly diverse re-used Pier-2 Art Center, they will present steel sculptures that are out of the ordinary.
工藤政秀擅長木材質環境裝置、石雕以及平面繪畫,其精於人性精神面底質的探討。Dodog Soeseno有著印尼原鄉的血性動能,其超強的創作力在溫帶的荷蘭對峙著理性的觀看,多媒材也正是文種多變後的節點。菅野麻依子以女性陰柔慎密的思維以為本,常以大器的手法將多種媒材作品介入環境天地間,形成獨特的個人氣質。拉黑子.達立夫晚近著墨於人類對大自然環境破壞的控訴,其將隨手拾得的廢棄物覆以鐵構設形,彰顯人類生形來去的虛實於時間軸的當下。達鳳.旮赫地與魯碧.司瓦那,將以海漂木與鐵石創造出原住民天空下自然來去間的想像,並傳達屬靈呼喚後的一種落實,是交換爾後的當下符號。王為河將不同於所有的創作者,是以理性為鋪陳而以感性為靈藥做揮灑,其本於繪畫的絕對自我與建築放射出的交質後,將以特有的手法以為空間的另類發生。張和民以陶材質為創作基材,此次將與鋼鐵共形,呈現其獨特的斑紋圖理於空間、形成一種魅惑的說法。鄭宏南善於石雕與鐵焊,其作品探討著像似的有形卻又虛,享受著並行為在虛無間出入,操演著石材質的溫潤與鋼鐵並濟。
Kudo Masahide specializes is creating wooden environmental installations, stone sculptures, and 2-D paintings, concentrating on exploring the essence of the human spirit. Dodog Soeseno has the firm attitude of his original home in Indonesia. His strong creativity is confronted by the rational views of the temperate Netherlands, and his multi-media creations stand at the locus of multicultural change. Maiko Sugano’s work is based on her gentle, meticulous thoughts as a woman. Using prodigious techniques, she often incorporates works created from various materials within the environment and the world, forming her unique personal style. Rahic. Talif has recently focused on calling out humanity's destruction of nature. He takes trash he has gathered here and there, and incorporated it into iron structures to highlight the realities and falsehoods of humanity at this point in time. Tafong. Kati and Roby. Swana use driftwood, iron, and stone to physically express the imaginations of aboriginal people as they come and go in nature, in the world. Tafong. Kati and Ruby. Swana convey a kind of fulfillment that comes after a spiritual calling, a present symbol that comes after an exchange. Unlike all other creators, Wang Wei-Ho has paved his way with rationality, with smatterings of emotionality as a cure-all remedy. After his start in paintings showed an intersection of absolute self with architecture, he uses his unique approach to create alternative events within the space. Chang Ho-Min uses clay as the basis of his work. This time he will incorporate steel and iron, displaying their unique patterns to form an alluring charm. Cheng Hung-Nan specializes in stone carving and welding. His works explore the tangible and the imaginary, enjoying and behaving in the comings and goings of existence nothingness, and displaying the warmth of stone materials against steel and iron.
This exhibition focuses on a juxtaposition of the original quality of steel and iron with various materials; we plan to invite artists who think in many different media to bring their diverse ideas to this “Steel Friends, Steel Fantasy: 2018 Kaohsiung International Steel & Iron Sculpture Festival”. The abundant, diverse possibilities of the artists’ extraordinary imaginations are expressed through the transformation of scrap steel and metal in their skillful hands. Artists from different countries and cultures, and working with completely different fields and materials, will incorporate geographical features and their unique methods into this site-specific art. Each artist represents a different school of thought, from each corner of the earth. Their ideas will converge, and techniques will be exchanged. From the many to the one, the one to the many, a powerful creative force will arise by the waters of Pier-2.