About KISISF Artists
菅野麻依子 1974 年生於東京,1997 年畢業於東京藝術大學美術學院 (前身為東京美術學校與東京音樂學校),同年獲得第六屆 Parco URBANART 優秀獎。
畢業後她任職於設計公司,之後展開環遊世界之旅,2000 年定居於舊金山。她贏得舊金山基金會墨非與卡多根獎 (Murphy and Cadogan Fellowship),以及加州藝術學院的沃尼克獎學金 (Wornick Scholarship),2004 年取得加州藝術學院藝術創作碩士學位。2009 年,她獲得日本文化廳的「日本政府藝術家海外留學計畫」補助,前往德國瑪塔黑爾福德美術館 (MARTa Herford Museum) 研究藝術及藝術環境。2014 年她取得東京藝術大學美術博士學位,目前的研究專攻日本國內的藝術與交流,同時也創作不懈。
Born in Tokyo in 1974, Maiko Sugano graduated from the School of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts (former name; Tokyo National University of Fine Arts & Music) in 1997, and in the same year she received the Excellence Prize in the Parco URBANART #6 competition.
After working for a design firm, she embarked on a round-the-globe trip, and ended up living in San Francisco in 2000. She was a recipient of the Murphy and Cadogan Fellowship and also the Wornick Scholarship of California College of Arts. In 2004 she completed her MFA at California College of the Arts. In 2009, she received a grant as part of the "Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artist" from the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan, to research art and art environments at the MARTa Herford Museum in Germany. 2014, PhD in Fine Art at Tokyo University of the Arts. Now, she is currently researching art and communication in Japanese domestic environments while continuing her artwork.